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Sea Cucumbers Prevent the Child From Stunting

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Sea cucumbers can prevent stunting. Indonesia is the biggest producer of sea cucumbers. However, more than 30 percent of children under five years old in this country suffer from stunting.
In one village in Saumlaki, Maluku. Susi and Siti are sisters who grew up from a simple family. His father works as a fisherman and his mother is only a housewife. Susi and Siti were only 3 years gap. Susi is currently 8 years old and Siti is 5 years old. Their mother felt that there was something strange about the growth of her two children, Susi who was older than her sister who had a shorter height than Siti. After being checked by a doctor at the village health center, Susi experienced stunting, which is where the growth process is experiencing disruption so that she has an abnormality in growing height, this stunting usually occurs due to lack of nutrition received by children at a young age.
Susi does have less nutritional intake than Siti. Their families have financial problems when the difficulty of selling their fish several years ago. This condition makes it difficult to provide balanced nutrition for their children, but Siti who has normal growth is a result of the difficulties in the process of selling sea cucumbers, so the families consume sea cucumbers for themself. It turns out that the nutrient content of sea cucumbers that have been very complex provides important properties for the growth and development of the children, but not for Susi who does not like to consume sea cucumbers.

Doctors recommend that Susi regularly consume foods that contain beneficial nutrients for her growing period, one of which is by trying to consume sea cucumbers. Susi’s mom also processed a lot of sea cucumbers with Susi’s favorite dishes so that she would consume it, it was quite difficult at the beginning for her to eat this type of marine animal, but over time with the enjoyment of her mother’s cooking concoctions, she became happy eating sea cucumbers. In addition to sea cucumbers, she also eats foods with high vitamin and calcium content.
Stunting is quite dangerous for children’s growth and development because it can interfere with the process of brain development and interest in learning. Therefore, it is important for parents to maintain the nutritional content of their children’s food so that they can grow and develop properly in order to become the nation’s successor. At present, the condition of stunting children in Indonesia has reached millions of kids. This stunting condition can also be detrimental to the quality of the nation’s successors later, human resources that do not have good quality due to the difficulty of child development that is detrimental in the future in building the nation.

As one type of marine animal that have extraordinary nutritional content and are very important for growing, sea cucumbers become one type of food that can be used as a source of nutrition for children. Sea cucumber Holothuria Scabra is the most consumed because it has a high content of anti-cancer and antioxidant substances, and several other types of sea cucumbers.
In improving the quality of these sea cucumbers, fishermen are assisted by Ledgernow in processing and cultivating sea cucumbers by using modern technology tools. Ledgernow, which supports the quality of life and welfare levels of fishermen, helps by maintaining the quality of Indonesian sea cucumbers to be more recognizable by the community who later make food choices for the people of Indonesia. Ledgernow with a blockchain-based system helps the process of sea cucumber supply to consumers with an easier and modern system. An automatic delivery track record system with the transparency of the payment process directly received by fishermen will facilitate the sale and welfare of fishermen. Supply process that can be tracked automatically and in real-time will make it easier for consumers to know the storage process of sea cucumbers and the time they arrive. SSC is a blockchain-based supply system that can reliably connect consumers directly with high-quality sea cucumber fishermen.

The easy process of sending sea cucumbers to the city community will certainly help many Indonesian children in getting food with high nutritional content such as the nutritional content of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers can help Indonesian children in preventing stunting due to the nutritional content of food that is currently not healthy enough for consumption. Let’s prevent stunting children from an early age, balanced consumption of nutrition so that the child’s growth and development becomes better. Click the following link to learn more about Ledgernow

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Teripang Cegah Anak stunting

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Teripang atau timun laut bisa mencegah stunting. Indonesia adalah negara penghasil teripang terbesar. Namun, lebih dari 30 persen balita di negeri ini menderita stunting. 

Disalah satu desa di Saumlaki, Maluku. Susi dan Siti adalah dua kakak beradik yang tumbuh dari keluarga yang sederhana. Ayahnya  yang bekerja sebagai nelayan dan ibu nya hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Susi dan Siti hanya berselang umur 3 tahun. Susi saat ini berusia 8 tahun dan Siti 5 tahun. Ibu mereka merasa ada yang aneh dari pertumbuhan kedua anaknya, Susi yang lebih tua dibandingkan adiknya memiliki tinggi yang lebih pendek dari Siti. Setelah di cek di dokter di puskesmas desa, Susi mengalami stunting, yaitu dimana proses pertumbuhannya yang mengalami gangguan sehingga ia memiliki kelainan dalam tumbuh tingginya, stunting ini biasanya terjadi karena kurangnya gizi yang diterima anak saat berusia muda. 

Susi memang memiliki asupan gizi yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan Siti. Keluarga mereka yang memiliki kendala keuangan saat masih sulitnya penjualan ikan mereka beberapa tahun lalu. Kondisi ini yang menjadikan kesulitan penyediaan gizi seimbang untuk anak-anak mereka, namun bagi Siti yang memiliki pertumbuhan normal itu akibat dari kesulitannya proses penjualan teripang, sehingga banyak keluarga yang mengkonsumsi teripang untuk keluarganya masing-masing. Ternyata kandungan gizi teripang yang sudah sangat kompleks ini memberikan khasiat penting bagi tumbuh kembang anaknya, namun tidak pada Susi yang tidak suka mengkonsumsi teripang. 

Dokter menyarankan Susi rutin mengkonsumsi makan-makanan yang mengandung gizi-gizi bermanfaat untuk masa pertumbuhannya, salah satunya dengan mencoba mengkonsumsi teripang. Ibu Susi juga banyak mengolah teripang dengan masakan-masakan kesukaan Susi agar ia mau mengkonsumsinya, cukup sulit di awal baginya memakan jenis teripang ini, namun lama kelamaan dengan kenikmatan racikan masakan ibunya, ia menjadi senang mengkonsumsi teripang. Selain teripang ia juga makan makanan dengan kandungan vitamin dan kalsium tinggi. 

Stunting ini cukup berbahaya bagi tumbuh kembang anak, karena dapat mengganggu proses perkembangan otaknya dan minat belajarnya. Maka dari itu penting bagi orang tua dalam menjaga kandungan gizi makanan anak-anaknya agar dapat tumbuh kembang dengan baik demi menjadi penerus bangsa. Saat ini kondisi anak stunting di Indonesia sudah mencapai jutaan. Kondisi stunting ini juga dapat merugikan kualitas penerus bangsa nantinya, SDM yang tidak memiliki kualitas yang baik akibat sulitnya tumbuh kembang anak yang merugikan kedepannya dalam membangun bangsa.

Sebagai salah satu jenis hewan laut yang memiliki kandungan gizi yang luar biasa banyak dan sangat penting bagi tumbuh, teripang menjadi salah satu jenis makanan yang dapat dijadikan sumber gizi anak. Teripang Holothuria Scabra atau teripang pasir adalah teripang yang paling banyak dikonsumsi karena memiliki kandungan zat anti-kanker dan antioksidan yang tinggi, dan beberapa jenis teripang lainnya. 

Dalam meningkatkan kualitas teripang ini, nelayan dibantu oleh Ledgernow dalam mengolah dan membudidayakan teripang dengan menggunakan alat teknologi modern. Ledgernow yang mendukung kualitas kehidupan dan taraf kesejahteraan nelayan meningkat, membantu dengan menjaga kualitas teripang-teripang Indonesia untuk lebih dapat dikenali oleh masyarakat yang nantinya dalam menjadikan pilihan makanan masyarakat Indonesia. Ledgernow dengan sistem berbasis blockchain membantu proses supply teripang kepada konsumen dengan sistem yang lebih mudah dan modern. Sistem track record otomatis pengiriman dengan transparansi proses pembayaran yang langsung diterima nelayan, akan memudahkan penjualan dan kesejahteraan nelayan. Proses supply yang dapat dilacak secara otomatis dan real time akan memudahkan konsumen mengetahui proses penyimpanan teripang dan waktu sampainya. SSC adalah sistem supply berbasis blockchain yang terpercaya dapat menghubungkan konsumen langsung dengan nelayan-nelayan teripang berkualitas tinggi. 

Dengan mudahnya proses pengiriman teripang kepada masyarakat kota tentunya akan membantu banyak anak Indonesia dalam mendapatkan makanan dengan kandungan gizi tinggi seperti kandungan gizi teripang. Teripang yang dapat membantu anak-anak Indonesia dalam mencegah stunting akibat kandungan gizi makanan saat ini yang memang kurang sehat untuk dikonsumsi. Ayo cegah anak stunting sejak dini, konsumsi gizi seimbang agar tumbuh kembang anak menjadi lebih baik.Klik link berikut untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai Ledgernow 

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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Sea Cucumbers, Marine Animal Full of Benefits

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

There are still some people who are not familiar with one of these marine animals, Sea Cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are one of marine invertebrate animals that live in the bottom of the sea, usually it is often found in the Pacific Ocean region. It’s called sea cucumbers because of their large round shape like cucumbers. 

Sea cucumbers are one of the marine animals that have many benefits compared to other types of marine fish. Just its shape is not as beautiful as other marine animals, sea cucumbers contain many benefits that are very good for the body. Sea cucumber itself is often used as Chinese medicine because of its abundant properties. 

However, due to the small number of sea cucumber farmers, sea cucumbers are also rather rare to obtain, only a few locations have sea cucumbers farmers, this makes the price of sea cucumbers more expensive. But who would have thought the price of this expensive Sea Cucumber remains a favorite food for some people. Even some people are willing to spend large amounts of money to successfully get these sea cucumbers. This is because those who already understand and feel the benefits of nutrition in consuming sea cucumbers for health. Sea cucumbers with all the nutritional content such as vitamins A, B2, B3, Omega 3 and 6, Collagen, and several other nutritional content that can nourish the body and fight cancer (Click: Sea Cucumber Against Cancer). 

With abundant nutritional content, of course, some people are willing to reach into their pockets to get these marine animals. Sea cucumbers are also a delicious seafood to eat everyday, with its chewy texture, Sea Cucumber will be suitable to be used as sashimi or other vegetable dishes. Consuming sea cucumbers everyday will provide benefits for abundant health. Eating sea cucumbers it’s healthier than consuming junk-food that are bad for health.

For men, consuming sea cucumbers can also help correct urinary tract abnormalities in men. As for women, sea cucumbers which is rich in collagen content, it is best consumed as a neutralizing beauty, and to maintain the quality of the skin so that it remains young. With a variety of sources of the efficacy of this Sea Cucumber will certainly be worth the prices, Sea Cucumbers are like a delicious natural medicine that will be very good for human health to be consumed. 

In improving the quality of sea cucumbers in order to preserve the nutrition and efficacy of sea cucumbers, sea cucumbers must be processed properly. Many of the fishermen still using traditional methods in processing sea cucumbers, where the traditional ways have the potential of sea cucumbers not process hygienically. Ledgernow in helping to improve the quality level of sea cucumbers helps fishermen using modern technology to clean sea cucumbers hygienically and easily. With the use of modern technology that will facilitate the sale of sea cucumbers to consumers. Ledgernow blockchain-based technology can help fishermen to facilitate sea cucumber delivery to suppliers by using blockchain technology. Blockchain that provides secures the data more safely. Together with Ledgernow, consumers can more easily connect with sea cucumber fishermen who have guaranteed quality, and shipments that can be tracked in real-time.

LedgerNow helps sea cucumbers fishermen, to work more optimally for the achievement of welfare for sea cucumbers fishermen in Indonesia. LedgerNow uses a blockchain system to help suppliers and fishermen are connected with a system that is more real time and a high level of security. Click the following link for more information 

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Cerita Dibalik Teripang, Ada Nelayan yang Berjuang

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Teripang sebagai salah satu hewan invertebrata yang sering disebut juga dengan timun laut, Mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi untuk didengar namanya. Bagaimana tidak, hewan ini menjadikan Indonesia menerima predikat penghasil teripang terbesar di dunia. Ada sebanyak 650 jenis spesies dari teripang, dan sebanyak 10% terdapat di laut Indonesia. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan juga mencatat sepanjang 2012 hingga 2015 tren ekspor teripang meningkat dari 900 hingga 1.200 ton. Penangkapan teripang di berbagai daerah kepulauan Indonesia sudah dilakukan sejak pertengahan 1600-an dan awal 1700-an hingga kini.

Teripang merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor dari hasil laut yang cukup besar di Indonesia dengan nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Perkembangan ekspor teripang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Biasanya, teripang yang diekspor dalam bentuk olahan kering dengan tujuan pengiriman ekspor ke Hongkong, Singapura, Taiwan dan Jepang. Pengolahan yang dilakukan dengan cara tradisional dengan cara dan peralatan yang sederhana. Setelah ditangkap, teripang akan diolah untuk dikeringkan dengan metode pemanasan menggunakan sinar matahari. Hal ini menjadikan pengolahan teripang sangat tergantung dengan cuaca. Sehingga, hasilnya menjadikan teripang memiliki kualitas yang kurang baik. Akibatnya harga jual teripang menjadi sangat rendah.

Mendekati ujian tengah semester, sebagai mahasiswi jurusan statistika Nadin dan teman-temannya mendapatkan tugas untuk bisa mewawancarai berbagai macam profesi yang ada di Indonesia. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang kesejahteraan masyarakat dilihat dari profesinya. Kebetulan, Nadin satu kelompok dengan Dara, Gilang dan Adit. Kebetulan, Adit berasal dari Ambon di daerah pesisir yang disebut Saumlaki yang berada di daerah Maluku Tenggara Barat. Tanah yang subur, serta kekayaan laut yang melimpah menjadikan Saumlaki banyak dikunjungi wisatawan mancanegara. Pak Usman adalah paman Adit yang bekerja sebagai nelayan disana. Letaknya di daerah pesisir pantai menjadikan penduduknya mayoritas bekerja sebagai nelayan. Nadin dan teman-teman memilih pak Usman sebagai narasumbernya. 

“Apa hasil tangkapan laut yang paling banyak diambil disini pak?” Tanya Dara kepada Pak Usman

“Ada banyak ikan tetapi para nelayan disini juga banyak yang memburu teripang” Jawab pak Usman sambil merapikan jalan-jalanya

Kekayaan laut yang cukup melimpah disini menarik perhatian banyak pelaut dari luar Saumlaki untuk mengambil kekayaan laut dan dijual diluar Maluku Tenggara. Hal ini yang mengakibatkan para nelayan disini tidak sejahtera, ucap pak Usman. 

Padahal menangkap teripang di laut tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Para nelayan harus berangkat pada malam hari dengan menggunakan kapalnya untuk mencari teripang. Penangkapan teripang dilakukan di malam hari karena air laut yang surut sehingga memudahkan ketika menangkap teripang. Belum lagi ketika cuaca yang tidak mendukung atau arus di laut yang berbahaya bisa membuat para nelayan pulang dengan hasil yang sedikit bahkan dengan tangan kosong. Tidak hanya itu, beberapa nelayan juga mengambil teripang dengan cara menyelam. Para nelayan ini menggantungkan nyawa hanya di ujung selang yang tersambung kompresor mesin pompa angin. Menyelam di malam hari hingga puluhan meter dengan perlengkapan seadanya demi mendapatkan teripang. 

“Belum lagi resiko yang harus ditanggung oleh nelayan jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan” ujar Adit menambahkan cerita pak Usman.

Nadin, Dara dan Gilang sangat prihatin mendengar cerita tersebut. Ternyata sajian teripang nikmat saat mereka merayakan ulang tahun Nadin bersama Sarah beberapa hari yang lalu memiliki perjuangan yang sangat besar untuk mendapatkannya. Belum lagi teknologi yang kurang memadai bagi para nelayan disini menjadikan pengambilan dan pengolahan teripang tidak maksimal. Ledgernow dalam mendukung kesejahteraan nelayan teripang mebantu dalam penyediaan teknologi untuk membantu nelayan dalam mengolah teripang secara lebih mudah dan higienis, teripang yang diolah secara benar akan memberikan nilai jual yang tinggi dikarenakan kualitasnya yang tertap terjaga, Ledgernow yang membantu menjaga kualitas teripang tetap terjaga agar dapat dikonsumsi secara segar dengan kandungan-kandungan khasiatnya yang masih terjaga. Info selengkapnya dapat dilihat di 

Teripang yang bermutu tinggi akan mendapatkan banyak minat masyarakat. Hewan laut yang dikenal dengan khasiatnya ini akan sangat baik bila dikelola dengan baik pula. Selain dalam pengelolaan teripang, nelayan juga harus pintar dalam mengelola keuangan mereka, tanpa perlunya konsultas keuangan  cukup menggunakan aplikasi berbasis blockchain yang dapat mengatur keuangan dan menjaga keamanan data transaksi secara aman. YONK sebagai salah satu aplikasi blockchain yang membantu nelayan Indonesia untuk menjaga keamanan transaksi keuangan penjualan teripang yang akan secara otomatis tersimpan dan dapat dilacak.  Informasi selengkapnya

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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The Story Behind the Sea Cucumber Fishermen

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Sea cucumbers as one of the invertebrate animals which are often referred to as sea cucumbers, may be familiar to hear his name. How not, this animal makes Indonesia receive the title of the world’s biggest sea cucumber producer. There are as many as 650 species of sea cucumbers, and as many as 10% are in the Indonesian sea. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries also noted that from 2012 to 2015 the sea cucumber export trend increased from 900 to 1,200 tons. The capture of sea cucumbers in various reGilangns of the Indonesian archipelago has been carried out since the mid 1600s and early 1700s until now.

Sea cucumbers are one of the major export commodities from marine products in Indonesia with high economic value. The development of sea cucumber exports increases every year. Usually, sea cucumbers are exported in the form of dried preparations with the aim of shipping exports to Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan. Processing is done in a traditional way with simple methods and equipment. After being caught, sea cucumbers will be processed to be dried by heating methods using sunlight. This makes sea cucumber processing highly dependent on the weather. Thus, the results make the sea cucumbers have poor quality. As a result, the price of sea cucumbers becomes very low.

Approaching the midterm, as a student majoring in statistics Nadin and her friends get assignments to be able to interview various professions in Indonesia. This is done to collect data about the welfare of the community seen from his profession. Incidentally, Nadin was in a group with Dara, Gilang and Adit. Incidentally, Adit came from Ambon in a coastal area called Saumlaki which is in the West Southeast Maluku reGilangn. Fertile land, and abundant marine wealth makes Saumlaki visited by many foreign tourists. Pak Usman is Adit’s uncle who works as a fisherman there. Its location in the coastal areas makes the majority of residents work as fishermen. Nadin and friends chose Mr. Usman as their guest speaker. 

“What is the most captured sea catch here sir?” Asked Dara to Mr. Usman

“There are a lot of fish but there are also many fishermen who hunt sea cucumbers” replied Mr. Usman while tidying his nets.

The abundant marine wealth here attracted the attention of many sailors from outside Saumlaki to take sea wealth and sell it outside Southeast Maluku. This has resulted in the fishermen here not prospering, said Mr. Usman. 

Though capturing sea cucumbers in the sea is not as easy as imagined. The fishermen must leave at night using his boat to find sea cucumbers. Catching sea cucumbers is done at night because of low tide which makes it easier to catch sea cucumbers. Not to mention when the weather is not supportive or dangerous currents in the sea can make the fishermen go home with little yield even with their bare hands. Not only that, some fishermen also take sea cucumbers by diving. These fishermen hang their lives only at the end of the hose which is connected to the compressor of the air pump. Diving at night up to tens of meters with makeshift equipment to get sea cucumbers. 

“Not to mention the risk that must be borne by fishermen if things happen that are not desirable,” said Adit, adding the story of Mr. Usman.

Nadin, Dara, and Gilang were very concerned to hear the story. It turns out that the sea cucumber delights when they celebrated Nadin’s birthday with Sarah a few days ago had a very big struggle to get it. The inadequate technology for the fishermen, making sea cucumber extraction and processing not optimal. Ledgernow in supporting the welfare of sea cucumber fishermen helps in the provision of technology to assist fishermen in processing sea cucumbers more easily and hygienically, with the right process sea cucumbers will provide a high selling value due to the quality that is maintained, Ledgernow which helps maintain the quality of sea cucumbers to be maintained so that they can be consumed freshly. More info can be seen at

High-quality sea cucumbers will get a lot of community interest. These marine animals which are known for their benefits will be very good if managed well too. In addition to managing sea cucumbers, fishermen must also be smart in managing their finances, without the need for financial consultants to simply use a blockchain-based application that can manage finances and maintain safe transaction data security. YONK as a blockchain application that helps Indonesian fishermen to maintain the security of sea cucumber sales financial transactions which will be automated records and can be trace and track easily. More information

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Sea Cucumber Fishermen

This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea

This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.

The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent

Adit, Gilang and Sarah who were on vacation in Maluku, they were amazed by the beauty of the beaches and natural attractions in Maluku which are still very beautiful and natural.

Their vacation this time was accompanied by auntie Sri,  she is Sarah’s aunt who had lived in Maluku for a long time following her husband on duty. Their holidays do not feel uncomfortable even though accompanied by Sarah’s aunt, because auntie Sri who is still young at heart and is very cool to talk to and travel with. 

Auntie Sri even bring the to the locations that are rarely visited by tourists. They were also invited to visit historic locations and culinary tours of Maluku. They learned a lot from their trip this time in Maluku. One of them is a marine animal that has many benefits called sea cucumbers. They rarely hear or see this kind of marine animal. It does look disgusting but it tastes quite delicious and more importantly is the nutritional content of sea cucumbers that are very good for health. 

Auntie Sri is one of the loyal customers of sea cucumbers, she always orders Sea Cucumber directly to fishermen. What a coincidence that Adit, Gilang and Sarah were also invited to visit the Sea cucumbers fishermen. They met with some Sea cucumbers fishermen, while waiting for Auntie Sri to buy fish and sea cucumbers. Adit, Gilang and Sarah talked a lot with the fishermen there. Adit who was curious about the reason that the price of sea cucumbers was expensive asked one of the fishermen there. The price of sea cucumbers was expensive because the number of sea cucumber fishermen was very small, the number of buyers who were a lot of fishermen who gave up looking for sea cucumbers and the obstacles in capturing sea cucumbers were quite difficult, they must dive to the bottom of the sea to look for these sea cucumbers. 

Most of sea cucumbers buyer are from rich people who really understand the efficacy of these sea cucumbers for their health, and also some orders from abroad. But there’s still difficult to connect with buyers, where the fishermen still do not understand very well to use the technology in promoting their catches, one of which is sea cucumbers. Pak Zaki one of the sea cucumber fishermen, he really hopes that many people can get to know this sea cucumber species or the government assistance in giving attention to these sea cucumber fishermen to be able to develop. It is unfortunate that Indonesia is one of the regions that produce sea cucumbers mostly but not many people are interested in this marine animals, because of lack of knowledge. 

Gilang suggested to the fishermen there to collaborate using LedgerNow technology that can help fishermen be more easily reunited with consumers or suppliers which will make it easier for them to send their catch. LedgerNow uses a blockchain-based system that makes it easy for fishermen to supply their catches using an application system that automatically records all data stored safely and tracking shipments that transparently and can be tracked in real-time. Click the following link for more information on

Gilang who also saw the lives of fishermen who were still far from prosperity because of the difficulty in developing their catch to be sold to other cities. Mr. Zaki as a sea cucumbers fisherman really hopes that this LedgerNow technology can help sea cucumber sales easier, and many fishermen are interested in sea cucumbers. With the increase of sea cucumber ordering, this will certainly be able to lead to greater interest in sea cucumber farming. These sea cucumbers are marine animals that are actually very nutritious compared to other marine animals, it is unfortunate that the Indonesian people still do not understand the efficacy of sea cucumbers. LedgerNow also helps consumers to choose the quality of Sea Cucumbers at the right price, FLAX is one of the blockchain platforms that can help make it easier to choose the type of Sea Cucumber and determine the price fairly. Click the following link for more information on using FLAX 

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Nelayan Teripang

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Adit, Gilang dan Sarah yang sedang berlibur di Maluku, mereka dibuat terkagum dengan keindahan pantai-pantai dan wisata alam di Maluku yang masih sangat indah dan alami. 

Liburannya mereka kali ini ditemani oleh tante Sri, tantenya Sarah yang sudah tinggal di Maluku sejak lama mengikuti suaminya dinas. Liburan mereka tidak merasa risih meskipun ditemani oleh tante nya Sarah, karena tante Sri yang masih berjiwa muda dan sangat asik untuk diajak berbicara dan jalan-jalan. 

Tante Sri bahkan banyak mengajak mereka ke lokasi-lokasi yang terpencil yang memang jarang dikunjungi wisatawan luar. Selain lokasi wisata mereka juga diajak mengunjungi lokasi-lokasi bersejarah dan wisata kuliner Maluku. Banyak hal yang mereka pelajari dari perjalanan mereka kali ini ke Maluku. Salah satunya adalah hewan laut yang memiliki banyak manfaat bernama Teripang. Jarang sekali mereka mendengar jenis hewan laut satu ini apalagi melihatnya secara langsung. Memang terlihat menjijikan namun rasanya cukup nikmat dan yang lebih utama adalah kandungan gizi Teripang yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh. 

Tante Sri adalah salah satu konsumen setia Teripang, ia selalu memesan Teripang langsung ke nelayan. Kebetulan sekali Adit, Gilang dan Sarah juga diajak ikut mengunjungi nelayan Teripang. Disana mereka bertemu dengan beberapa nelayan Teripang, sambil menunggu tante Sri membeli ikan dan Teripang, Adit, Gilang dan Sarah banyak berbicara dengan para nelayan disana. Adit yang penasaran dengan alasan harga Teripang yang mahal menanyakan kepada salah satu nelayan disana, ternyata harga Teripang yang mahal dikarenakan jumlah nelayan Teripang yang sangat sedikit, karena jumlah pembeli yang sedikit banyak nelayan yang menyerah untuk mencari Teripang, karena rintangan dalam menangkap Teripang cukup sulit, mereka harus menyelam ke dasar laut untuk mencari teripang-teripang tersebut. 

Ternyata yang banyak membeli teripang-teripang mereka adalah orang-orang kaya yang memang paham betul dengan khasiat teripang ini bagi kesehatan mereka, dan juga beberapa pesanan dari luar negeri. 

Namun kendala mereka adalah masih sulitnya terhubung dengan para pembeli, dimana para nelayan-nelayan masih belum paham betul dengan penggunaan teknologi dalam memasarkan hasil tangkapan mereka, salah satunya teripang. Pak Zaki, adalah salah satu nelayan Teripang, ia sangat berharap banyak masyarakat dapat mengenal jenis hewan laut Teripang ini atau bantuan pemerintah dalam memberikan perhatian bagi nelayan-nelayan teripang ini untuk dapat berkembang. Sangat disayangkan Indonesia adalah salah satu wilayah yang penghasil teripang. Namun tidak banyak masyarakat yang tertarik dengan hewan laut satu ini, karena kurangnya pengetahuan. 

Gilang menyarankan kepada nelayan disana untuk ikut bekerjasama menggunakan teknologi LedgerNow yang dapat membantu nelayan lebih mudah dipertemukan dengan konsumen atau supplier yang akan memudahkan mereka untuk mengirimkan hasil tangkapan mereka. LedgerNow yang menggunakan sistem berbasis blockchain yang memudahkan nelayan dalam mengirimkan hasil tangkapan teripang mereka menggunakan sistem aplikasi yang secara otomatis mencatat segala data yang tersimpan dengan aman dan pelacakan pengiriman yang secara transaparan dapat di lacak secara real-time. Klik link berikut untuk informasi selengkapnya 

Gilang yang juga melihat kehidupan nelayan yang masih jauh dari kesejahteraan karena sulitnya mengembangkan hasil tangkapan mereka untuk dijual ke kota-kota lainnya. Pak Zaki sebagai nelayan Teripang sangat berharap teknologi LedgerNow ini dapat membantu penjualan teripangnya menjadi lebih mudah, dan banyaknya nelayan yang ikut tertarik untuk mengkonsumsi teripang.  Dengan meningkatnya pemesan teripang ini akan dapat menimbulkan minat nelayan untuk mencari teripang menjadi lebih besar. Teripang ini adalah hewan laut yang sangat bergizi dibanding hewan laut lainnya, sangat disayangkan masyarakat Indonesia masih kurang paham dengan khasiat Teripang. LedgerNow juga membantu konsumen dapat memilih kualitas Teripang dengan harga yang sesuai, FLAX salah satu platform blockchain yang dapat membantu memudahkan memilih jenis Teripang dan menentukan harga dengan adil. Klik link berikut untuk informasi penggunaan FLAX secara lebih lanjut 

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web

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Maluku’s Sea Cucumber Delicacy

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Entering the holiday season Adit, Gilang, and Sarah spend their vacation to visit  the island of Ambon. According to them Ambon Island is rarely used as a tourist choice for the people, and they want to visit it to feel a more challenging vacation. 

On Ambon Island, Adit, Gilang and Sarah lived in the house of Sarah’s aunt who had been living there for a long time in Ambon following her husband. By using accommodation from his aunt, their vacation budget becomes more efficient. Auntie Sri is often visiting tourist attractions in Maluku, so that their vacation becomes easier by following the recommendations places from auntie Sri. Mostly aunty Sri recommend a lot of beaches that are still very beautiful to visit but also very aesthetic to take pictures. In fact, they have to make a long list of trips to visit all the tourist recommendations. 

In addition to tourist sites, the thing that is highly anticipated is to try the sea cucumber culinary cuisine that is rarely recognized by the city community. Sea cucumber is a marine animal that looks worm-like but turns out to be very good for health. Aunt Sri said that city children should taste these foods to prevent diseases from junk food which is often consumed. 

The first time they saw the shape of Sea Cucumbers, they were frightened and disgusted with this one animal. The shape is indeed very unpleasant, but who would have thought if it has been processed properly will create extraordinary tastes. Aunty Sri indeed often ordered Sea cucumbers for her and her family for daily consumption, so they too tasted this one sea animal. 

Aunt Sri is a housewife, so she is diligent in making delicious new recipes. This time he served stir-fried sea cucumbers, and fatty vegetable sea cucumbers, in fact many other dishes he prepared, but the main menu served was processed sea cucumber food. Aunt Sri is very eager to wait for the response of Adit, Gilang and Sarah for their first try of sea cucumbers. 

Sarah was initially hesitant to taste it, she was still shadowed by the shape of the Sea Cucumber before. Adit who felt reluctant to the spirit of auntie Sri who had bothered to serve food immediately tried to taste stir-fried sea cucumbers with a spoonful of rice. Adit’s response turned out to be unexpected by his two friends, he immediately took many sea cucumbers into his plate, he suggested his friend to taste it without imagining its shape. Adit said that sea cucumbers do not have a disgusting distinctive taste, the texture is like a mushroom that is chewy and delicious coupled with spices stir cooking aunt Sri. Gilang and Sarah ventured to taste the sea cucumbers, and it is true what Adit said, the sea cucumbers did not have a disgusting texture, even very delicious to eat with hot rice and spices aunt Sri’s cooking. Seeing their response, Aunty Sri was proud that they like it, she even asked them to add as much rice as possible. 

Aunty Sri told them that this Sea Cucumber is quite expensive, this weird marine animals has a fantastic price, it can even reach millions of rupiah for a kg. Adit, Gilang and Sarah were shocked by the price mentioned by Aunty Sri, for this type of animal turned out to have a fairly expensive price and Aunty Sri still wanted to buy it. 

It turned out that the reason aunt Sri who wanted to buy this marine animal was because of the benefits contained in this Sea Cucumber. Sea cucumbers, which have a variety of nutritional content, can even prevent cancer and make the skin look young. Aunt Sri has been consuming this sea cucumber for quite a long time, it is only natural that her family is rarely affected by a serious illness, and the fact that Aunt Sri’s skin is radiant even though she lives in a coastal area. Sarah also searched for the nutritional content of sea cucumbers through Google, and indeed sea cucumbers contain various kinds of nutrients that are rarely owned by other marine animals. 

Aunty Sri really hopes that the city community should also taste these marine animal, seeing the number of young people who are susceptible to disease. Gilang want to help spread the sea cucumbers to the city, his father who worked in the blockchain-based supply chain technology so that it would be easier for fishermen to connect with consumers in the city. 

Ledgernow with blockchain-based technology provides facilities for sea cucumber fishermen to process sea cucumbers using modern technology that makes it more hygienic and easier. Sea cucumbers are processed properly will maintain the quality of the nutritional content of sea cucumbers which will be very good to consume. These good quality sea cucumbers will later be sold to consumers with the help of blockchain technology that makes it easy for consumers to order these quality sea cucumbers through Ledgernow. Ledgernow helps maintain the quality of sea cucumbers properly to be accepted by consumers freshly. Delivery of goods uses a blockchain technology system where the data will be stored automatically and can be monitored in real-time with secure data security. Ledgernow supports the welfare of fishermen in developing the economy of Indonesian and the development of fishermen’s economy. Click the following link for more information on 

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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The Healthy Underwater Animals

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

There are still many who are unfamiliar with one of these marine animals, sea cucumbers. As Sarah and Nadin experienced during a visit to Julian’s restaurant, it was the first time they tasted this sea animal. Sea cucumbers are one of the marine animals that live in the bottom of the sea, sea cucumbers are rare in the fish market. Many people believe that sea cucumbers are disgusting animals because of their large caterpillar shape. But who would have thought Sea cucumbers are one of the sea animals that have many health benefits. With the right processed Sea cucumbers will be an excellent source of nutrition for human health. Sea cucumbers have low calorie levels so it is very good for consumption for those on a diet. Besides low calorie Sea cucumbers also contain various vitamins such as vitamins A, B2, B3, and high in protein content and antioxidant levels compared to other species which would be very good for daily consumption. By consuming sea cucumbers everyday will make the stomach become full faster because of the high protein content of these sea cucumbers. Sea cucumber protein content is also good for lowering low blood pressure and strengthening bones. Sea cucumbers are also often used as Chinese medicine, because of the nutritional properties they contain. 

Sea cucumbers contain phenols and antioxidant flavonoids which are efficacious for reducing inflammation or inflammation of the body, the nutritional content of sea cucumbers can also be useful as antitumor and antifungal. Sea cucumber content is not playing games, by consuming sea cucumbers can provide many abundant properties for health. 

To consume sea cucumbers themselves are still a little difficult to obtain because of the lack of public interest and lack of knowledge about the efficacy of sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are usually consumed raw or dried and can also be mixed with other types of food to create diverse tastes. In Indonesia, each sea cucumber is very rare, it is very difficult to get this type of marine animal because there is still little interest in sea cucumber cultivation in Indonesia. Sea cucumber populations are found in the Pacific Ocean. Sea cucumbers themselves are often consumed by people in Asia and the Middle East. 

With the help of the interest of sea cucumber cultivation, fisherman will be able to improve the welfare of the seafront community. Sea cucumbers which are rich in nutritional content and abundant properties for health will certainly be in great demand for the city community. Seeing now the difficulty for the city community to consume foods with high protein content due to the difficulty of supply of fresh fish. LedgerNow is here to help Sea Cucumber farmers connect with consumers more easily. Consumers can easily understand the purchase of sea cucumbers at real time prices without the hassle of visiting Teripang sales locations (which are still difficult to reach). LedgerNow with a blockchain-based system makes it easy for suppliers to order sea cucumbers directly to fishermen with prices that are tailored to best quality, and a real-time ordering process. Click the link for further approval

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO is a company that provides business automation solutions for the integration and collaboration of companies with blockchain technology.


PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.


YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.


AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website

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Hewan Bawah Laut Yang Menyehatkan

Artikel ini adalah bagian dari program #PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan untuk senyum di laut

Program ini merupakan kolaborasi antara beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Tulisan-tulisan dalam artikel #PelangiDiLautan terinspirasi oleh pengalaman yang dilakukan di daerah Saumlaki, Maluku Tenggara Barat. Namun, beberapa karakter, karakter, acara, lokasi, dan dialog adalah fiksi dan disusun secara dramatis agar lebih menarik. Jika ada kesamaan dalam nama karakter, tempat kejadian atau cerita, itu hanya kebetulan dan tidak ada unsur niat

Mungkin masih banyak yang asing dengan salah satu hewan laut satu ini, Teripang. Seperti yang dialami Sarah dan Nadin saat berkunjung ke restoran berkunjung ke restoran chef Julian, itu adalah pertama kalinya mereka merasakan hewan laut ini. Teripang atau timun laut adalah hewan laut yang hidup didasar laut, Teripang menjadi hewan laut yang sangat jarang atau langka dijual dipasaran. Banyak yang menyangka Teripang adalah hewan yang menjijikan karena bentuknya yang seperti ulat berukuran besar. Namun siapa sangka Teripang adalah salah satu hewan laut yang memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan. Dengan olahan yang benar Teripang akan menjadi sumber gizi yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan manusia. Teripang memiliki kadar kalori yang rendah sehingga sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi untuk yang sedang menjalani diet. Selain rendah kalori Teripang juga mengandung berbagai vitamin seperti vitamin A, B2, B3, dan tinggi kandungan protein dan kadar antioksidannya dibanding spesies lainnya yang tentunya akan sangat baik untuk dikonsumsi sehari-hari. Dengan mengkonsumsi Teripang sehari-harinya akan membuat perut menjadi lebih cepat kenyang karena kandungan protein yang tinggi dari Teripang ini. Kandungan protein Teripang ini juga baik untuk menurunkan tekanan darah rendah dan memperkuat tulang. Teripang juga sering digunakan sebagai obat-obatan masyarakat China, karena khasiat gizi yang dikandungnya. 

Teripang mengandung Fenol dan Antioksidan Flavonoid yang berkhasiat untuk mengurangi radang atau inflamasi tubuh, kandungan gizi dari Teripang juga dapat berguna sebagai antitumor dan antifungal. Kandungan gizi Teripang ini tidak main-main, dengan mengkonsumsi Teripang sudah dapat memberikan banyak khasiat yang berlimpah untuk kesehatan tubuh. 

Untuk mengkonsumsi Teripang sendiri masih sedikit sulit untuk didapatkan karena masih kurangnya minat masyarakat dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai khasiat Teripang. Teripang biasanya dikonsumsi secara mentah atau dikeringkan dan dapat juga dicampurkan ke jenis makanan lainnya untuk menciptakan cita rasa yang beragam. Di Indonesia sendiri Teripang masing sangat langka, sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan jenis hewan laut ini dikarenakan masih sedikitnya minat budidaya Teripang di Indonesia. Populasi Teripang banyak ditemukan di Samudra Pasifik. Teripang sendiri sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Asia dan Timur Tengah. 

Dengan terbentuknya minat budidaya Teripang bagi para petani-petani akan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pinggir laut. Teripang yang kaya akan kandungan gizi dan khasiat yang berlimpah untuk kesehatan tentu akan banyak diminati bagi masyarakat kota. Melihat kini sulitnya bagi masyarakat kota mengkonsumsi makanan dengan kandungan tinggi protein akibat sulitnya supply ikan-ikan segar. 

Melihat kondisi sulitnya distribusi ikan laut kepada konsumen dengan lebih mudah, Ledgernow menghadirkan sistem supply yang lebih mudah dengan sistem berbasis blockchain dimana konsumen dapat secara mudah menentukan pilihan kualitas teripang yang diinginkan dengan aplikasi SSC yang sudah terdaftar kualitas terbaik teripang dari nelayan-nelayan yang sudah terdaftar oleh Ledgernow. Ledgernow dalam menjaga kualitas teripang-teripang membantu para nelayan dalam menggunakan teknologi modern dalam menjaga kualitas teripang dalam pengolahannya agar tetap higienis.  Ledgernow juga membantu kesejahteraan nelayan teripang dalam mengembangkan penjualan teripang menjadi pengembangan ekonomi nelayan dan terjalinnya kesejahteraan nelayan Indonesia. 

LedgerNow hadir membantu nelayan Teripang terhubung dengan konsumen secara lebih mudah. Konsumen juga dapat dengan mudah mengetahui pembelian Teripang dengan harga realtime tanpa perlu repot mengunjungi lokasi penjualan Teripang (yang masih sulit di jangkau). LedgerNow dengan sistem berbasis blockchain memudahkan suppliers memesan teripang langsung kepada nelayan dengan harga yang disesuaikan dengan kualitas, dan proses pemesanan yang real time. Klik link tersebut untuk mempelajari selanjutnya

#PelangiDiLautan : Kesejahteraan Untuk Senyum Di Laut

Program ini merupakan kerjasama dari beberapa perusahaan berbasis blockchain di Indonesia untuk memperkenalkan dan mengeksplorasi teripang secara lebih luas, meningkatkan standar hidup dan kesejahteraan nelayan, serta berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan ekosistem ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Beberapa perusahaan yang terlibat adalah:

Temindo (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia, PT)

TEMINDO adalah perusahaan yang memberikan solusi otomasi bisnis untuk integrasi dan kolaborasi perusahaan-perusahaan dengan teknologi blockchain.


PureHeart adalah inisiatif yang berbasis kegiatan sosial yang berkomitmen kepada tujuan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development goals) dengan teknologi blockchain secara menyeluruh (end-to-end) sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat Indoensia semakin meningkat.

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)

SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) adalah solusi blockchain untuk kolaborasi cepat dan aman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok (supply chain) yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen dan mempercepat pengiriman barang dan jasa ke konsumen.


YONK adalah sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan untuk pemilik UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) sehingga mereka mendapakan laporan keuangan yang real time dengan fitur predicition analysis untuk membantu meningkatkan kredibilitas UMKM kepada perusahaan pembiayaan (Financing Companies) menggunakan teknologi blockchain.


AELL adalah solusi untuk membantu pengelolaan data rekam medis secara digital dan terintegrasi antar rumah sakit dan klinik sehingga mempercepat proses pelayanan pasien, mempermudah rujukan dan melindungi data pasien dengan teknologi blockchain.

Global Usaha Semesta

Global Usaha Semesta adalah solusi dalam industri perikanan yang terkait dengan perdagangan, transportasi, pertanian dan jasa produksi perikanan. Berfungsi sebagai inti yang mendukung kebutuhan operasional mitra nelayan / plasma dalam bentuk dukungan untuk platform peralatan perikanan, industri dan pembiayaan dengan teknologi blockchain. Situs web