This article is part of the #PelangiDiLautan : Welfare program for smiles at sea
This program is a collaboration between several blockchain-based companies to introduce and explore sea cucumbers more broadly, improve the standard of living and welfare of fishermen, and commit to realize a better economic ecosystem.
The writings in the #PelangiDiLautan program are inspired by the experience carried out in the Saumlaki area, West Southeast Maluku. However, some characters, characters, events, locations and dialogues are fiction and are arranged dramatically to make it more interesting. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events or stories, it is merely a coincidence and there is no element of intent
Sea cucumbers are one of marine animals that are rich in benefits, not only for health but also for women’s beauty. Yes, sea cucumbers can be used as a face mask to get rid of pimples and dull skin. Collagen compounds contained in sea cucumbers are great for women’s facial skin especially if you have sensitive skin.
What are the benefits of collagen in sea cucumbers As an element of skin building, regenerating skin cells, skin tightening, flexing the skin, nourishing the skin, and preventing skin damage. Even the ingredients in the sea cucumbers are also able to rejuvenate your skin. Well, from now on, try to use natural ingredients as face masks. Besides being safer from side effects, you also don’t need to spend money that is too expensive to have beautiful skin and free from zits.
In addition to sea cucumber beauty is also good for health, you know friends. These sea animals contain substances called cytotoxins, substances that are proven to fight cancer cells. For example, one laboratory study found a cytotoxic substance in sea cucumbers in the Vietnamese sea. This substance has a resistance effect on five types of cancer cells, including breast, prostate, and skin cancer cells.
Meanwhile, other studies also found that Ds-echinoside, a type of triterpenoid derived from marine animals, can reduce the spread and growth of human liver cancer cells. However, further research is still needed to determine the efficacy and safety of using sea cucumber for cancer treatment. Quoted from Prevention, research in the UK found that sea cucumber animals have benefits for the skin. Extracted sea cucumbers can overcome thin skin, fine lines, and dry skin on adults.
This happens because the sea cucumber has a substance called peptide. Peptides contain collagen which functions to soften skin tissue and keep skin from being damaged. Researcher Maurice Elphick, PhD, a professor of physiology and neuroscience at Queen Mary University of London, said that although it is believed that it can overcome skin problems, further research is needed on the efficacy of sea cucumber in humans. But there is no harm, right, eating sea cucumbers for health? How are you still reluctant to consume sea cucumbers? In Indonesia, there are not many who consume sea cucumbers because of the shape that is not pleasant to see, even though sea cucumbers are very rich in benefits.
Sea cucumbers with good processing will make sea cucumbers far more efficacious. Sea cucumbers that must be cleaned in the traditional way without proper supervision will only reduce the quality of sea cucumbers. For this reason, sea cucumber fishermen can use modern technology in processing or cleaning sea cucumbers in a more practical and hygienic manner. LedgerNow helps sea cucumber fishermen in using advanced technology to facilitate fishermen in processing sea cucumbers using modern technology. LedgerNow also helps fishermen and consumers in determining the price of sea cucumbers according to the quality of sea cucumbers, this price adjustment can make it easier for fishermen to choose the type of sea cucumber they want at the right price. FLAX as one of the blockchain-based platforms that can provide convenience facilities. Click the following link to learn more about www.ledgernow.com
PureHeart is an initiative based on social activities committed to sustainable development goals with end-to-end blockchain technology so that the standard of living of Indonesians is increasing.
Website: https://pureheart.ledgernow.com
SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain)
SSC (Sustainable Supply Chain) is a blockchain solution for fast and safe collaboration for companies in the supply chain that aims to reduce operational costs, improve customer service and accelerate the delivery of goods and services to consumers.
Website: https://www.ssc.co.id/
YONK is a financial management application for SME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) so that they get real time financial reports with prediction analysis features to help improve the credibility of MSMEs to finance companies (Financing Companies) using blockchain technology.
Website: https://www.yonk.io/
AELL is a solution to help manage digital medical record data integrated and integrated between hospitals and clinics so as to speed up the process of patient care, facilitate referral and protect patient data with blockchain technology.
Website: https://www.aell.co/

Global Usaha Semesta
Global Usaha Semesta is a solution in the fishing industry related to trade, transportation, agriculture and fishing production services. Serving as the core that supports the operational needs of fishermen partners / plasma in the form of support for fisheries equipment platforms, industry and financing with blockchain technology. Website https://globalusaha.com/